SQL Query Order of execution
SQL Query Order of execution
As per my understanding, the order of processing is
1. The FROM/WHERE clause goes first.
2. ROWNUM is assigned and incremented to each output row from the FROM/WHERE clause.
3. GROUP BY is applied.
4. HAVING is applied.
5. SELECT is applied.
6. Distinct is Applied
7. ORDER BY is applied.
As per my understanding, the order of processing is
1. The FROM/WHERE clause goes first.
2. ROWNUM is assigned and incremented to each output row from the FROM/WHERE clause.
3. GROUP BY is applied.
4. HAVING is applied.
5. SELECT is applied.
6. Distinct is Applied
7. ORDER BY is applied.
SQL Statement
Syntax Check
Semantic Chek
FROM Clause
Where Clause
GROUP By Clause
HAVING clause
1. syntax check -
Are all keywords present OR Not Like "select" , "from" ,
2. semantic check against the dictionary - Are all table names spelt correctly, etc.
Thank you