SQL Inline Query, Inline View and SubQuery

SQL Inline Query, Inline View and SubQuery

-- Sql Inline Query                                                                                                                                                             
/* Inline Query is just the Select Statement */     


select * from scott.emp


select * from scott.emp where deptno = 20

Sql Inline View                                                                                                                                                     
/* When we use SQL Subquery (A query within a query) in From clause of the select
statement it is called inline view. */


select * from ( select * from scott.emp where deptno = 10) A

Sql Sub Query
Below are the type of sub-query:
If it present in SELECT list, it is called “sub-select”.
If it present in FROM clause, it is called “inline-query” or “inline-view” .
If it present in WHERE clause, it may be simple sub-query or “co-related sub-query”.

select  *  :- (Sub Query SELECT Section)
from scott.emp   :- (Sub Query FROM Section)
where deptno = 10  :- (Sub Query WHERE Section)

(Sub Query SELECT Section)

select A.* ,
( select Z.DNAME from scott.dept Z where Z.DEPTNO = A.DEPTNO ) Department_name
from scott.emp A

(Sub Query FROM Section)

select A.*, Z.DNAME from scott.emp A, ( select DNAME, DEPTNO from scott.dept) Z
where A.deptno = Z.deptno

(Sub Query WHERE Section)

select * from Scott.emp A
where deptno > ( select deptno from scott.dept where deptno = 10)

A subquery is used to return data that will be used in the main query based on condtion or Join

1.A subquery is a SQL query within a query.
2.Subqueries must be enclosed with parenthesis
3. if Subqueries returns individual values  it means that is used as a column in our Main Query
if Subqueries returns list of records or multiple values it means that is used as a Inline view
or as a table in our Main Query


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