How many Debug Groovy Script Methods are available in Application Composer


******* How many Debug Groovy Script Methods are available in Application Composer *******

1. Runtime messaging

2. Put Oracle JBO validation in Groovy Script Palet

-1.--Simple Validation Message Script:---
throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException("You don't have sufficient privileges to update the record.") // You can replace the custom message here. and you can make it dynamic with variables or fields.

-2.--Multi-Line Validation Messages with less space:---
throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException(
<p>The Errors are listed below: 
<br> You have insufficient priviliges 
<br> You have entered invalid value in Status filed </p>

-3.--Multi-Line Validation Messages with more space:---
throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException("
<p>The Errors are listed below: </p>
<p> You have insufficient privileges </p>
<p>You have entered invalid value in Status filed </p>

-4.--Validation Message with Bold Text:---
throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException("
<b>Your Bold Message goes here</b>
This is Not a bold message</body></html>")

-5.--Add a Link in Validation Message:---
def link = ""
throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException("
<html><body>Click The Following Link To see more details and other topics: <a href=${link}>Click </a></body></html>")

-6.--Add colors in Validation Message:---
throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException("
<p style='color:green;'>This is in green color</p>
<p style='color:red;'>This is in red color.</p>

-7.--Add colors to a part of the string in the Validation Message:---
def message = "Manoj Kumar";
throw new oracle.jbo.ValidationException("<html><body><p>Selected business line is not registered for your organization for the same end customer: <b><span style='color:red;'>${message}</Span></b></p></body></html>")

3.Groovy Debugger 


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