REST API from Standard Receipts Creation with Payload and Query


Payload :- 

    "ReceiptMethod":"SD HDFC",
    "BusinessUnit":"ABC Private Limited",

Select * from AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES where RECEIPT_CLASS_ID = 300000001865030 select * from HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS where cust_account_id = 300000001865163 select * from HZ_PARTIES where party_id = 300000001865161 select * from AR_RECEIPT_METHODS where receipt_method_id = 300000001865031 Select * from AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES where RECEIPT_CLASS_ID = 300000001865030 select * from AR_RECEIPT_METHOD_ACCOUNTS_ALL where receipt_method_id = 300000001865031 select * from CE_BANK_ACCOUNTS where BANK_ACCOUNT_ID in (300000004849942, 300000001834143) select * from CE_BANK_ACCT_USES_ALL where REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID in ( 300000001834145, 300000004849944)


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