Dynamic SQL Statement is Not Anonymous Block or CALL Statement

Repeated Placeholder Names in Dynamic SQL Statements
If you repeat placeholder names in dynamic SQL statements, be aware that the way
placeholders are associated with bind variables depends on the kind of dynamic SQL
1.  Dynamic SQL Statement is Not Anonymous Block or CALL Statement
2.  Dynamic SQL Statement is Anonymous Block or CALL Statement
Dynamic SQL Statement is Not Anonymous Block or CALL Statement
If the dynamic SQL statement does not represent an anonymous PL/SQL block or a CALL statement,
then repetition of placeholder names is insignificant.
Placeholders are associated with bind variables in the USING clause by position, not by name.
For example:-  in this dynamic SQL statement, the repetition of the name :x is insignificant:
sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO payroll VALUES (:x, :x, :y, :x)';
In the corresponding USING clause, you must supply four bind variables. They can be different;
for example like :- EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING a, b, c, d;
create table XX_TEMP_TL (
SUB_1     NUMBER (3),
SUB_2     NUMBER (3),
SUB_3     NUMBER (3),
SUB_4     NUMBER (3)
 select * from XX_TEMP_TL
a NUMBER := 1;
b NUMBER := 2;
c NUMBER := 3;
d NUMBER := 4;
sql_stmt VARCHAR2(100);
sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO  XX_TEMP_TL VALUES (:x, :x, :y, :x)';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING a, b, c, d;
dbms_output.put_line ('total no of rows inserted is : '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT );
select * from XX_TEMP_TL
SUB_1          SUB_2          SUB_3          SUB_4
1        2        3        4
If you wann to associate the same bind variable with each occurrence of :x,
Then you have to repeat that bind variable;
for example:
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING a, a, b, a;
The preceding EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement runs this SQL statement:
sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO payroll VALUES (a, a, b, a)';
a NUMBER := 1;
b NUMBER := 2;
c NUMBER := 3;
d NUMBER := 4;
sql_stmt VARCHAR2(100);
sql_stmt := 'INSERT INTO  XX_TEMP_TL VALUES (:x, :x, :y, :x)';
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING a, a, b, a;
dbms_output.put_line ('total no of rows inserted is : '|| SQL%ROWCOUNT );
select * from XX_TEMP_TL
SUB_1          SUB_2          SUB_3          SUB_4
1        1        2        1


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