How to send Mail thru Oracle Host Program

How to send mail thru HOST program

To run a unix based shell script as a concurrent program, the executable of the concurrent program should be registered as a ‘Host’ program.

The execution file name of the host program should end with .prog extension and a soft link should be created for the .prog file.

Here is an example of creation of host program with one parameter:
Step 1:
Create a prog file XX_HOST_PROGRAM.prog as shown below
#  Copyright (c) Oracle Shooter.     All rights reserved.
# Application       : XXSD                                                    #
# Program Name      : XX Host Program                                         #
# Version #         : 1.0                                                     #
# Title             : XX_HOST_PROGRAM                                         #
# Remarks           : Shell Script                                            #
# Created by        : Oracle shooter                                          #
# Creation Date     : 25-May-2020                                             #
#                                                                             #
# Description       : Use Shell script for Sending Mail or Message                     #
#                                                                             #
# Date        | Name             | Remarks                                    #
# 25-05-2020  | MANOJ KUMAR      | Initial Draft                              #
#                 These 5 are system Defines Parameters                       #
echo "***********************************************************"
echo "                   SYSTEM PARAMETERS  Details              "
echo "***********************************************************"
echo "  "
echo "Parameter 0 :- Shell script name along with Path       : " $V_SUBJECT0
#echo "Parameter 1 :- Oracle Apps User Name and Password : " $V_SUBJECT1
echo "Parameter 2 :- Application user_id from FND_USER       : " $V_SUBJECT2
echo "Parameter 3 :- Application user_name from FND_USER  : " $V_SUBJECT3
echo "Parameter 4 :- Concurrent Program Request ID       : " $V_SUBJECT4
#          Defined Parameters and assign values in other variables            #
#          Concurrent Program Parameter start from 5                          #
echo "***********************************************************"
echo "                   INPUT PARAMETERS  Details               "
echo "***********************************************************"
echo "  "
echo "Parameter 5  :- FROM : "  $V_FROM
echo "Parameter 6  :- TO : "  $V_TO
echo "Parameter 7  :- CC : "  $V_CC
echo "Parameter 8  :- BCC : "  $V_BCC
echo "Parameter 8  :- SUB : "  $V_SUB
echo "Parameter 8  :- BODY : "  $V_BODY
echo "  "
echo "$V_BODY" | /bin/mailx -s "$V_SUB"  -r "$V_FROM" -c "$V_CC"  -b "$V_BCC"  "$V_TO"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo "!!!!!! Email was sent to :-  $V_TO"
echo "!!!!!!  Email Could not send SORRY !!!!!!!!"
exit 1

Step 2:

Upload the .prog file to the bin folder of rexspective application top and give necessary file permissions

Step 3: Go to respective location :-


Create Soft Link:- Then run this script for creating the soft link

ln -s $FND_TOP/bin/fndcpesr  XX_HOST_PROGRAM
Soft link will be created against fndcpesr so that concurrent manager will recoganize as host program.

Step 4:

Create Executable and Concurrent Program

                   SYSTEM PARAMETERS  Details             
Parameter 0 :- Shell script name along with Path     :  /u01/appluat/UAT/apps/apps_st/appl/xxsd/12.0.0/bin/XX_HOST_PROGRAM.prog
Parameter 2 :- Application user_id from FND_USER     :  0
Parameter 3 :- Application user_name from FND_USER  :  SYSADMIN
Parameter 4 :- Concurrent Program Request ID      :  1539961070
                   INPUT PARAMETERS  Details              
Parameter 5  :- FROM :
Parameter 6  :- TO :
Parameter 7  :- CC :
Parameter 8  :- BCC :
Parameter 8  :- SUB :  Host Program Tesing
Parameter 8  :- BODY :  Hi Friends, Please find the messgae.
!!!!!! Email was sent to :-


  1. Please make video for Mailer program also in which we would convert SQL records to Excel in PLSQL. Also we would be doing compress and zip activities


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