Insert and Insert All with Example

Insert and Insert All with Example

-- Table Structure and data

select * from XXSD_EMP_TL

select * from XXSD_DEPT_TL

-- Insert

Insert into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (801, 'Ajay', '1000');

Insert into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (802, 'Sachin', '1000');

Insert into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (803, 'Alok', '1000');

Insert into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (804, 'Naveen', '1000');

Insert into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (805, 'Rahul', '1000');

Insert into XXSD_DEPT_TL (DNAME , LOC ) VALUES ( 'Finance', 'Ghaziabad')

-- INSERT ALL  use Single Table with Dual
Insert into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (805, 'Rahul', '1000');

select * from XXSD_EMP_TL

insert ALL
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (701, 'Ajay', '1000')
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (702, 'Sachin', '1000')
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (703, 'Alok', '1000')
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (704, 'Naveen', '1000')
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (705, 'Rahul', '1000')
select * from dual


-- INSERT ALL   use  Multi Table with Dual

select * from XXSD_EMP_TL

select * from XXSD_DEPT_TL

insert ALL
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (901, 'Manisha', '1100')
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (902, 'Rena', '1100')
into XXSD_EMP_TL (EMPNO,ENAME , SAL ) VALUES (903, 'Aarti', '1100')
into XXSD_DEPT_TL (DNAME , LOC ) VALUES ( 'Finance', 'Ghaziabad')
select * from dual


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