What is WED ADI

What is WED ADI

Webadi Summary:

Oracle Web ADI is being used by the End Users in the Oracle E-Business Suite to perform some of their day-to-day data entry tasks
in the commonly used Microsoft desktop applications like Excel and upload the data to EBS.

It is one of oracle's tool which connects Oracle Apps with Excel. Helps in uploading of data etc. through excel.
You can also create custom WEB ADI and write a custom procedure to do Data Migration through excel into temporary tables through WEB ADI.
You can create your own layouts and even create your own integrator through assigning WEBAdi responsibility.

Why we use WebAdi :

1. Increase Productivity
2. Minimal Training
3. Useful in Large transactions

Responsibilities For creating the custom Web ADI
1. Desktop Integration Manager(lets you creating/Managing Integrator and parameters)
2. Desktop Integrator(lets you create Document, layout, Mapping, Setup options etc.,)


  1. Hi,
    Very informative.Thanks
    There is some typo ,please correct that.
    'What is WED ADI' It will be 'WEB ADI'


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