Difference between table and advanced table regions in OAF

Difference between table and advanced table regions in OAF


page :- 852
diference between advance table and atble region

1. simple table having wizard option  but advance table not
2. advance table support column grouping ( we can do calculation such as Salary _ Comm =  )
3. Add another row in advance table region

1.In advanced table , we can create the Sortable header for each columns of the table. It means we can sort the data of the Table through its Table Column in the OAF Page.
2.In Advanced Table , we can create the Summary total in the footer of the Advanced Table. This is the Add on to create the Total in the footer of the Advanced Table.
3.In Advanced Table , We can create the Button to insert new row in the Table to insert data by the user in the OAF Page.
4. Bandring
5. Colum Span
6. Row Span (The advanced table generates an exception in developer mode because the view object is not set on it.)
7. Sorting
8. Add row
9. Totaling
10. Better Formating
11. Multiple Sellection

Number of rows to display in a table
• Width of a table
• Header text for individual table columns
• Column span in column headers
• Table formatting
• Single selection and multiple selection on a table and adding other controls to a selection bar
• Sorting and initial sorting of a table on up to three columns
• Adding new rows
• Totaling a column
• Detail Disclosure
• Row Headers
• Wrap Settings


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