
Showing posts from April, 2019

Partial Page Rendering

Partial Page Rendering --======================================================== Partial_Page_Rendering VO:- PPR_PAGE_VO AM :- PPR_PAGE_AM Page:- PPR_PAGE_PG CO :- PPR_PAGE_CO --===================================================== Transient  Attributes :- 1 Name = RowKey Type = Number Updateable = Always Key Attribute = (Checked)  2 Name = Item2Render Type = Boolean Updateable = Always Column 1 :- FIREPratialAction :- Item1_Change Column 2:- SPEL Syntax:- rendered property = ${oa.PPR_PAGE_VO1.Item2Render} --=======================  CO ========================== import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;   public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)   {     super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);       PPR_PAGE_AMImpl am = (PPR_PAGE_AMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);         ...

.Jar File Upload to Server

.Jar File Upload to Server --============================================================ --=========== jxl.jar --=========== Jar file transfer to   ay location for Ex:- /u02/DEV_APP/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/xxsd/oracle/apps/jar --=========== fild your orion-application.xml --=========== Location:- /u02/DEV_APP/inst/apps/STAGE_erpstg/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore --========== Changes :- at the last tad of application.XML  add below line. --========== <library path="/u02/DEV_APP/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/xxsd/oracle/apps/jar/jxl.jar" />

Create Data Entry Page in OAF

Create Data Entry Page  in OAF --=================================================================== CreateEntryPage --============================================================== CREATE TABLE XX_INSERT_DATA_TL (        -- ---------------------          -- Data Columns           -- ---------------------          EMP_NO                           VARCHAR2(100),           FIRST_NAME                           VARCHAR2(100),          LAST_NAME                           VARCHAR2(100),          GRADE                          ...

Data import thru Excel in OAF

Data import thru Excel in OAF --================================================================== CREATE TABLE XX_DATA_INSERT_THRU_EXCEL_TL (    col1                  VARCHAR2(100),       col2                  VARCHAR2(100),       col3                  VARCHAR2(100),       col4                  VARCHAR2(100),       col5                  VARCHAR2(100),      last_update_date   DATE         NOT NULL,      last_updated_by    NUMBER   NOT NULL,      creation_date         DATE         NOT NULL,      created_by    ...

Explain Plan in Oracle

Explain Plan in Oracle --==================================================== HOW to Generate EXPLAIN PLAN and how to read and understand --==================================================== explain plan into sys.plan_table$ for  select * from ap_suppliers A select * from table(dbms_xplan.display('sys.plan_table$')); --==================================================== explain plan into sys.plan_table$ for  select * from ap_supplier_sites_all select * from table(dbms_xplan.display('sys.plan_table$')); --==================================================== explain plan into sys.plan_table$ for  select * from ap_suppliers A, ap_supplier_sites_all B where A.VENDOR_ID = B.VENDOR_ID select * from table(dbms_xplan.display('sys.plan_table$')); --==================================================== explain plan into sys.plan_table$ for  select * from ap_suppliers A, ap_supplier_sites_all B where A.VENDOR_ID = B.VENDOR_ID and org_i...

abnormal program termination. an internal error has occurred. please provide the following files to Oracle Support

abnormal program termination. an internal error has occurred. please provide the following files to Oracle Support "Unknown" "Unknown" "Unknown"

Run Scripts thru File

Run Scripts thru File --================================= select * from Scott.emp where SAL > '&SAL_AMOUNT';

Database Link

Database Link --=================================== --========================== Instance:- 1 --========================== create table XX_EMP_TEST_TL AS select * from scott.emp where deptno = 30 select * from XX_EMP_TEST_TL --========================== Instance:- 2 --========================== select * from XX_EMP_TEST_TL select * from XX_EMP_TEST_TL@TESTDB required instance 1 :- 1. user :- APPS 2. Password:- ###### 3. TNS details:- ( ) create database link (NAME_OF_DB_LINK:- testdb) connect to (USER_NAME:- apps) identified by (PASSWORD:- welcome123)  using 'TNS_Details' create database link TESTDB connect to apps identified by welcome123 using '(DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST= (PORT=1576)  )  (CONNECT_DATA=  (SID=DEV) )  )'     

PLS-00410: duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted

PLS-00410: duplicate fields in RECORD,TABLE or argument list are not permitted --============================================================     CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE APPS.XXSD_ERROR_FINDER_PROC ( RETCODE OUT VARCHAR2, ERRBUF OUT VARCHAR2, P_DEPTNO IN VARCHAR2 ) AS --P_DEPTNO VARCHAR2;  ( Due to define same name of argument or Parameter Or Variable this ---- error comes) cursor c1 is select * from scott.emp where deptno = P_DEPTNO; BEGIN     for i in C1 loop     dbms_output.put_line (I.EMPNO);     end loop; END;


Bursting 1. Create PLSQL Procedure 2. Register Executable 3. Register Concurrent Program 4. Create XML bursting control file 5. Register data definition 6. Create RTF template File 7. Upload RTF file to data template --================================================= CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE APPS.XXSD_BURST_PROC ( RETCODE OUT VARCHAR2, ERRBUF OUT VARCHAR2, P_DEPT_NO IN VARCHAR2 ) AS CURSOR C2 IS select '' EMAIL,A.* from SCOTT.EMP A --where deptno = :V_DEPT_NO; where deptno = NVL(P_DEPT_NO,deptno);    BEGIN       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '<?xml version="1.0"?>');       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '<REPORT>');       FOR J IN C2 LOOP          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '<R_LINES>');          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,'<EMAIL>' || J.EMAIL || '</EMAIL>' ); ...

Deploy OAF Page on Prod

Deploy OAF Page on Prod --==================================== OA.jsp?page=/MK/oracle/apps/xxsd/File_upload/webui/File_upload_PG --========================================= java $JAVA_TOP/MK/oracle/apps/xxsd/File_upload/webui/File_upload_PG.xml -username apps -password pass123 -rootdir $JAVA_TOP -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=" 

Message File Upload in OAF

Message File Upload in OAF --========================================== import; import; import; import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean; import; import oracle.jbo.domain.BlobDomain; --===============================================   public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)   {     super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);   } --===============================================   public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)   {     super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean);     /* Oracle Technical Shooter */      ...

How to create Menu | Request Group | Responisibility in Oracle | Oracle Shooter

How to create Menu | Request Group | Responsibility in Oracle  | Oracle Shooter

How To Set Default Template For An XML Publisher

How To Set Default Template For An XML Publisher

Create Tab pages in OAF

Create Tab pages in OAF --============================================= T_Tab_Pages Tab_Pages_Layout create AM create VO1 : -EMP_VO create VO2:- DEPT_VO Attache VO's in AM create one page : -set AM , window,Title #2# create one region :- subtablayout : -set AM on that create 2 headers type regions under this one:- emp  under this create table type region using wizard fro EMP ( set CO on table region ) two:- dept  under this create table type region using wizard fro DEPT ( set CO on table region ) right click on point #2# and create 'subtabs'  under this crete 'Link' create 2 links under this one:- emp two :- dept --================================================ FIRST_TAB_VO:-                  select EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, HIREDATE, DEPTNO from scott.emp SECOND_TAB_VO:-                  select * from scott.dept THIRD_TAB_VO:-     ...

How to Create Train, NavigationBar and PageButtonBar in OAF

How to Create Train, NavigationBar and PageButtonBar in OAF --======================================================= Train region:- create AM create VO1 : -EMP_VO create VO2:- DEPT_VO Attache VO's in AM create page EMP set controller header region => table typ eregion based on EMP_VO ==> create one more region - Train type (allow information  = TRUE) create Link:- (set destinatuon URL :- EMP_PAGE) create Link:- (set destinatuon URL :- DEPT_PAGE) create one more region  :- Page button BAR create one more region  :- Navigation_BAR ( set first step = 1 and last_step = 2) create Link:- (set destinatuon URL :- EMP_PAGE , worm_about_changes = 'False') create Link:- (set destinatuon URL :- DEPT_PAGE) create page DEPT set controller header region => table typ eregion based on DEPT_VO ==> create one more region - Train type (allow information  = TRUE) create Link:- (set destinatuon URL :- EMP_PAGE) create Link:- (set destinatuo...

Difference between table and advanced table regions in OAF

Difference between table and advanced table regions in OAF --===================================================== page :- 852 diference between advance table and atble region 1. simple table having wizard option  but advance table not 2. advance table support column grouping ( we can do calculation such as Salary _ Comm =  ) 3. Add another row in advance table region 1.In advanced table , we can create the Sortable header for each columns of the table. It means we can sort the data of the Table through its Table Column in the OAF Page. 2.In Advanced Table , we can create the Summary total in the footer of the Advanced Table. This is the Add on to create the Total in the footer of the Advanced Table. 3.In Advanced Table , We can create the Button to insert new row in the Table to insert data by the user in the OAF Page. 4. Bandring 5. Colum Span 6. Row Span (The advanced table generates an exception in developer mode because the view object is not set on it.) ...

How to change multiple layout based on parameter Oracle

How to change multiple layout based on parameter Oracle

how to create multiple templates in xml publisher

how to create multiple templates in xml publisher

Java Concurrent Program report

Java Concurrent Program report --========================================================= XML --======================================================= <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?> <!-- $ Oracle technical Shooter $ --> <dataTemplate name="XXSD_JAVA_CONC_REPORT" defaultPackage="XXSD_EMP_PKG" version="1.0">    <properties>     <property name="xml_tag_case" value="upper"/> <property name="scalable_mode" value="on"/> <property name="include_parameters" value="true"/>    </properties>    <parameters>       <parameter name="P_DEPT_NO" dataType="number" />      </parameters>     <dataQuery>          <sqlStatement name="Q_1">           <![CDATA[ select A.DEPTNO, A.DNAME, A.LOC, B.EMPNO, B.ENAME, B.JOB, B.HIREDATE from scott.dept  A, sco...

Single Template with Multiple Layout change based on Parameter in Oracle

Single Template with Multiple Layout change based on Parameter in Oracle CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE APPS.XXSD_SINGLE_TEM_MULTI_LAYOUT  ( RETCODE OUT VARCHAR2, ERRBUF OUT VARCHAR2, P_DEPT_NO IN VARCHAR2 ) AS CURSOR C1 IS select * from SCOTT.EMP A where deptno = P_DEPT_NO; BEGIN         fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '<?xml version="1.0"?>');       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '<GL_HDR>');       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,'<P_DEPT_NO>' || P_DEPT_NO || '</P_DEPT_NO>' );       FOR I IN C1 LOOP          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output, '<G_LINES>');          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,'<EMPNO>' || I.EMPNO || '</EMPNO>' );          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.output,'<ENAME>' || I.ENAME || '</ENAME>' );          fnd_...