How to Solve Mutating Trigger Using Compound trigger
How to Solve Mutating Trigger Using Compound trigger Mutating ERROR CODE:- CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER APPS . XX_EMP_B_U_TRIG BEFORE UPDATE --OF SAL ON APPS . XX_EMP --REFERENCING OLD AS OLD NEW AS NEW FOR EACH ROW DECLARE V_PRESIDENT_SAL NUMBER ; BEGIN dbms_output.put_line ( '============ Row Level - Before Update Trigger Fired ============' ); select SAL INTO V_PRESIDENT_SAL from xx_emp where JOB= 'PRESIDENT' ; IF :NEW. SAL >= V_PRESIDENT_SAL THEN dbms_output.put_line ( '***** You can not assign this salary to anyone *****' ); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (- 20100 , 'You can not assign this salary to anyone' ); ELSE dbms_output.put_line ( '***** You Can assign this Salary *****' ); ...