
Showing posts from August, 2019

API concept in Oracle

API concept in Oracle --==================================================--------------- SELECT SUBSTR(a. OWNER , 1 , 20 ) OWNER , SUBSTR(a.NAME, 1 , 30 )       NAME   , SUBSTR(a.TYPE, 1 , 20 )       TYPE   , SUBSTR(u. status , 1 , 10 ) Stat , u. last_ddl_time             , SUBSTR( text , 1 , 80 ) Description FROM dba_source a,   dba_objects u WHERE   u. object_name = AND a. text LIKE '%Header%' AND a.type = u. object_type AND LIKE 'POS_VENDOR_PUB_PKG%' ORDER BY a. owner --================================================== select * from all_objects where object_name like '%PUB%' select * from all_objects where object_name like '%API%'

Supplier API's

API's for Create Supplier, Create Supplier Site, Create Supplier Site Contacts --======================================================================= -------------Supplier API ------------- 1. First Write a CURSOR for Required Data 2. FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE 3. Pass required Values in Proper way. 4. API :- For Supplier Create (pos_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor)    API :- For Supplier Site Create (pos_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_site)    API :- For Supplier Create Contact (ap_vendor_pub_pkg.create_vendor_contact) 5. Run API 6. Checking ------------------------------  Query For APPS_INITIALIZE   --------------------------------------------- select 'USER_ID' REMARKS , user_name NAME, user_id ID from fnd_user where user_name like 'DEVELOPER' union select 'RESPONSIBILITY_ID' NAME, responsibility_name , RESPONSIBILITY_ID from fnd_responsibility_tl where responsibility_name like 'Payables Manager' union s...