Multiple File upload thru HOST Concurrent Program
Multiple File upload thru HOST Concurrent Program Requirement :- A FTP location having multiple file and we need to upload all files in system or any staging Table. based on that we can write some validation/program/interface anything. Solution :- 1. Create table for data upload 2. Create .ctl Control File 3. Create .Prog File 4. Login to Putty 5. Create a Soft Link for Prof file for host program 6. Login in Filezilla or Winscp for file movement 7. Transfer all files 8. Provide Full Grants to .prog file 9. Register a concurrent HOST type program in Oracle ERP. 10 Run that program 11. Check all file moved or not to destination location 12. check into the TABLE. See my video on my you tube Channel " ORACLE TECHNICAL SHOOTER " 1. Create Table Syntax :- CREATE TABLE XXSD . XXSD_SQL_LOADER_TEST_TL ( HDR_ID ...